We enjoy reading Jeff Stahler’s Moderately Confused cartoons, especially the reader caption contests that he holds each month. I thought this one from May 2011 was right on target and captured the growing popularity of e-readers and their growing impact on traditional books. Caption Contest #35 Winner Columbus Dispatch United Features: Jeff Stahler Bio
Category: Publishing
Things I've encountered during the writing and publishing process.
iSpy With My Little i
After publishing Fearful To Fearless© for both the Kindle & Nook as well as in native eBook format i thought it was time to look into a format for the iBookStore. To be honest I’ve worked with Windows machines in business and personally since the 80’s and have never felt compelled to wander over to …
How To Create EPUB
Last month I posted about why I decided to publish an e-book for the Kindle format before any other version. This post briefly runs through the tools I used and some helpful links I found along the way in converting Fearful to Fearless to the EPUB format. First, what exactly is epub anyway? The short answer …
How And Why Readers Buy And Read E-Books
From the Book Industry Study Group From the Book Industry Study Group, Inc. (BISG) comes research collected directly from book readers that addresses how print-book buyers access, purchase, and use e-books and e-readers. The survey found that 30% of print-book buyers would wait up to 3 months to purchase the e-book edition of a book …
Espresso Book Machine Not About Espresso
The Espresso Book Machine (EBM) has nothing to do with Espresso or coffee, but everything to do with books. Print On Demand (POD) publishing has been around for a number of years, it’s allowed companies such as Lightning Source & Amazon’s CreateSpace to capitalize on the growing market of self & small business publishing houses …
Why I Chose To Format For The Kindle
Even the funny papers have mentioned Kindle! You don’t suppose that means that the Kindle identity may one day be lost in the same way that Kleenex did with tissue? I’m just about ready to jump onto the e-reader bandwagon (for reading), though I did make sure that there was a Kindle Edition of Fearful …
My First Viral Campaign
After publishing Fearful To Fearless I made my first attempt at an online campaign to help spread awareness. The campaign was patterned after similar campaigns I’ve seen and actually participated in myself. The crux of the campaign was this; First, you need to provide your visitors the opportunity of receiving a free gift, something of value. In …