After publishing Fearful To Fearless© for both the Kindle & Nook as well as in native eBook format i thought it was time to look into a format for the iBookStore. To be honest I’ve worked with Windows machines in business and personally since the 80’s and have never felt compelled to wander over to the other side. But I figure that if I had an iPiece (sic) of hardware (iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch running iOS 4 or higher) I would prefer to keep it as clean as I could to not be forced to install an alternate eBook reader application just because a book I was interested in downloading was not available in the format I desired.
So the saga began with researching the iBook format and how to make it available from the iBookstore.
Turns out you need an ITunesConnect account which is how you will manage your iBook… which in essence is an eBook. Once you’re approved to publish you need to download iProducer for the Mac, a Windows version is not available. This is where it comes in handy to have friends who are partial to the iFamily (sic) of products, my first choice was my man @pavi who was all too happy to oblige… iThink (sic) deep down he believed it would draw me to the iSide (sic).
iThanked (sic) him for his generosity and proceeded to explore the idiosyncrasies of this new environment… the MacBook Air. It wasn’t long before iRealized (sic) that apparently Apple users have no problem with the notion of not having a “backspace” key. It’s like it went extinct back in the days when the iBM (sic) Selectric ruled. With a quick search iRealized (sic) the difference between a forward and backward delete, along with a few other nuances.
homophones gone wild!
By now you sort of get the iDea that the more iExplored the different iProducts the more I got to wonder about all the other iWords that fit the genre and could actually be a homonym for a real word. I’d give my iTeeth to come up with a long list, for instance when Apple releases a software fix do they call it an iPatch? Or when you attend a training session is it called an iClinic? Or what if you missed an exam, can you take an iMakeup test?
I didn’t want a case of iStrain so on went my iGlasses to make sure my iSight was clear to iChart my way down this path. It wasn’t long before my iLids began to close, but I didn’t want to iDrop the iBall so iLash’d out and continued to dig deeper [Ay Caramba!]. It was quite an iOpening experience, iBeamed with excitement at the prospect of finding so many words so quickly.
My head said to stop because it was making my iWater and nobody is going to care about this anyway, but you’re an iWitness… it’s not for my eyes only. I don’t know what’s on Apple’s iRadar, but I’m sure that whatever it is it will be like iCandy, both iCatching & iPopping! [ay yi yi!]
This is probably pretty corny, especially for long time Apple users so… all in favor of stopping this nonsense say aye! Sounds like the ayes have it… okay then… aye aye captain!
As of this writing the iBook version of “Fearful To Fearless” is still in a pending status, I’ve read that it can be a while due to the backlog of titles in the iQueue (sic).
I’m off to study iSaac Newton, who is rumored to have had a different encounter with an apple. And for whatever it’s worth here is a link to Apple’s trademarks.
Now…. who wants iScream?