Tug & Arnie Launch

Tug & Arnie, In The Gardener's Hands
July 1st, 2011 is the official launch date for Tug & Arnie, In The Gardener’s Hands. It was written by new author Kyle Cook who dedicated it to his son Eli. Together with illustrator Dan Euans we collaborated to publish the first instalment of Tug & Arnie where the duo begins their adventure exploring the Gardener’s tree. Read how they meet and come to know the Gardener, and discover the Biblical truths he teaches regarding true friendship and safe travels.

Title: Tug & Arnie, In The Gardener’s Hands
Author: Kyle Cook
Publication Date: Jul 1, 2011
Published By: Koozzz Publishing
Hardback ISBN: 978-0-9830760-0-1
