The Stone Garden

Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” — John 2:19 (NIV)

I first heard about the stone garden from a fellow photographer at the Knox County Arts League. I woke up one foggy morning and thought the fog would make for a great atmosphere. I was blown away by the surroundings and some of detail of the garden. The stones are designed to illustrate 14 biblical passages that refer to stone in eleven books of the New Testatment. Scritpure passages are inscribed along the path to provide inspiration. I was able to spend a few minutes with the pastor at Faith Lutheran about how the idea for the garden came about and a few of the ‘God’ stories of how some of the stones were found and delivered (like that column in the picture), it’s amazing to see how God orchestrates things. We used this image for the month of April in our 2010 calendar at The New Testament Stone Garden is open to the public, it sits behind Faith Lutheran Church located at 170 Mansfield Avenue in Mount Vernon, Ohio. For more images click here.

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